The Marine Insurer, Issue 12

There can be no doubt that sustainability is now firmly in front and centre of the maritime industry's agenda.
The Marine Insurer, Issue 12

The Marine Insurer is a quarterly journal that launched in 2019. It’s online publications navigate news and analysis in the marine markets. 

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The widening adoption of voluntary sustainability reporting initiatives, as well as ongoing regulatory developments such as the EU’s recent adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) demonstrate this. But does this transition in corporate governance have any implications for how we respond to and manage maritime casualties and should it? Nicky Cariglia, Environmental Consultant, Marittima reports on the result of a survey of industry professionals to discuss these important questions.

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Nicky Cariglia

Nicky Cariglia

Marine environmental and sustainability professional with a broad range of experience over 17 years.
Ten years spent responding to maritime incidents, attending on site at more than 30 pollution and salvage incidents around the world.

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